Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Jack Ass.

Punching away keys in the hope to rise the ranks in the food chain of the corporate world my mind (as always) was wandering. This time to not exactly what you might describe as a happy place. In my mind I went through the faces of all the people who have come into my life and left me. Just left. Some times they brought their baggage along and I like a host in my culture (Atithi Devo Bhava - meaning Guest is God) welcomed them.
Made them feel at ease. Offered food and shelter and warmth for the rainy days and chilly winter nights. They felt at ease or so it seemed at that point.

And then they left. Leaving the place they called home for a while. They left. Leaving their baggage behind.

 I looked around in my life and saw so much junk. Stories. Incidents. Memories. All reminding me that some one lived here for whom I re-organised my space to make them at home. All staring me in my face asking me one question WHY?

Then I had what one might call an epiphany at what a Jack Ass I had been.

Jack Ass for letting people in.
Jack Ass for re-organising my space and life to accommodate them.
Jack Ass for retaining their baggage.
Jack Ass for wasting my time thinking about them.

I now have decided. Enough is Enough. I am no more to be Jack Ass.


nabil said...

Minus the Jack ass thing, its reality bites ;)... goodie good as usual.

arnavsinha83 said...

Well, well!

What's the fun in living if one never welcomes others into his household? Letting others in, making space for their stuff, and then enjoying a nice cup of tea while chit-chatting with them on a lazy rainy afternoon is what life is all about (at least, that's the way I see it).

Soon, they will get up to leave. Just like you did when you were a visitor. It hurts to let them go and be alone in that house that still smells of the delightful chamomile tea.

A person who welcomes others into his house is not a jackass. Not in the least. By feeling dejected when his guests leave, he proves he is only human.

You might not agree with me, but I am sure Axl Rose will ;)

'Cause nothing last for ever, even cold November rain.

Karuna Kochar said...


It sure is daunting that you believe all the people who left dint take your memories with them :)

Some people pretend they are strong, that they dont care and they have forgotten all...and some like u and i can never play that game...we cannot hide our disappointments!

Although to believe that everybody who met an angel like you has forgotten you or walked away without feeling not true. They may have not said anything verbally nor showed you their grace in actions...but am sure you touched their hearts. You may not know this today...but you will someday :)

Nothing you did and nobody you met is for vain ...