Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The glimpse of "True Love"

There's a book by Mitch Albom called Five people you meet in heaven..
It talks about what happens whend you die and you go to heaven.. according Mr.Albom's perception.. he says that you meet the 5 people in heaven who have tranformed your life knowingly or unknowingly...

And in that book he says... that every life had a glimpse of true love.. just one glimpse or a snapshot that fills your mind and hear with the amazing feeling that you were once in love or if lucky are still in it.. :)

I have this picture of true love etched in my memory, my mind, my soul...

Life seemed to have just stopped in that moment.. everything was still.. and all that moved was the train.. and it chugged away from the station.. leaving him standing on the platform.. and waving towards me.. with me trying the best i could to control the clouds of tears from bursting in my eyes... cause i did not want him to have that as the last glimpse.. till we met again..

what s the glimpse of true love for you?
and if you dont have one then imagine...