Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Lost Sock Syndrome

Socks exists in pairs.
Some times one is lost.

We were socks.
A pair.
Same colour.
Same size.
Same feel.
We could be worn interchangeably.
Left for the right.
Right for the left.

We lived in the same drawer.

Then one day, one sock was moved to another drawer.
It became the lost sock.
That was looked for some time.
Then forgotten.

New socks were moved in the lost sock's old drawer.
The un- lost sock got new friends.
They were of a different colour.
Different make.
But, the un-lost sock was happy.
The un-lost sock went places.
Happy places.
Some times, he did think of the happy times with the lost sock.
But, that was some times.

The lost sock, remains forgotten in a drawer.
That is seldom opened.
With dwindling, hope that before the decay sets in,
the drawer is opened
and sock finds the other sock.
To be a pair again.


nabil said...

It takes an Aditi Sharma to write something like this.Gr8!

Nidhi said...

very nicely written..and i kinda felt sad for the lost sock :(..

Nidhi said...

very nicely written..and i kinda felt sad for the lost sock :(

anandland said...

there you are.. i always knew there was a writer hidden away in you.

Rajeev said...

Amazing Adi ! So touching

astro suman sharma said...

just kept thinkng how does a sock get lost when they are pairs............Suman

arnavsinha83 said...

Simple and profound.
Good job !

Shibangi said...

To most people the un-lost sock would be a waste of space and something useless. It would be thrown away to make sapce for the new pairs of socks.
Only an optimist and a kind person would choose to keep the old un-lost sock in the hope of finding its better half some day.
That's you, Aditi. You're a marvellous writer. :)

Anonymous said...

Good work Adi.