Thursday, June 26, 2008

To point or not to point.. Is the point...

A couple of days back I was talking to a friend..
I was telling him about a movie I watched.. The movie is named " Hello Sister,Good bye Life".

The movie had nothing great except that when I was flicking channels I saw this really really cute guy and I continued to watch the movie.

Coming back to where I started from, I was just telling my friend about the movie. I started describing the plot. And how the story evolved, when suddenly he pops up saying .. Does all of this have a point?

And I never realised that I was just talking, telling him about my day and a not-so-great movie that I watched. I did not think whether there was a point or not. I was just talking. Simply.

I then said, " Why does there have to be a point? Why cant we just talk"
To which he replied, "Because there has to be a point toeverything. Other wise there's no point in anything"
" Why?? Why can't things be abstract?Why do they have to be specific? Why do we want there to be a point in whatever we want to do?"

To which we kept talking and tossing things back and forth for a few minutes and then changed the topic.

I write this to understand,as my question still remains unanswered, about why does there have to be a point to everything???

It has to be rational to an extent, I understand but I dont understand the concept of the point.

Hoping some of you can shed some light.


Nidhi said...

hmmm...never really thought about this until i read this piece...well...i don't really know whether things have to have a in and day out we speak whatever comes to our head and has no point to it necessary that things have to have a point...because if it has to then we wouldn't be speaking the way we do now..we would weigh what we want to say and then if its worthy enough..let it out...ask me and i would say "No"..don't think that everything has to have a point..or maybe ya it does...don't have the answer but this did make me think... :) :)

Gaurav Khanna said...

well its really up to u how much you wish to complecate simple things of life - to say it in a phrase - try to recall doing a thing for some one else, for no reasons. Even though many can scream about doing it but deep inside they all knw very few are capable of this. Same is the cae here as well, not having a point, also leads to another point, so there is point in a point (or no point i better say) :))

Unknown said...

Few comments here..and please no offense meant.
First, why in the world are you wasting your energy/loosing your peace of mind/wondering about this crap/wasting your grey cells, when there are so much more important things to do/learn/experience etc.
Second, If some talk does not mean absolutely anything in this entire universe, then it is some gibberish of which there is no place. I dont mean to say that everything has a point, but it should have a purpose. A stupid joke, for eg., may not have a point but atleast it makes you smile for a moment.
Third, the fact that you are actually posting about this and asking people for opinions, means that you yourself are looking for a specific point. And that too for something which did not have a point/meaning to it in the first place.
Ok, i have gone on long enough.

nabil said...

The whole point is that we have actually lost the point!.....

to put into easier words.... a lot of times, the point is all about being pointless!...Its just there, for the moment, and then to be forgotten........ but being the genius that we think we r, we just end up doing things we actually dint want to....

Nevertheless.... wonderfully written.... its never easy to put such complicated vicious circles in such a simple fashion, and this is one is just perfectly done.

Gud one, bud!

Pallav said...

Language was invented so that people coud communicate their ideas, feelings, etc to others. When people talk, they intend to share some knowledge-any kind of knowledge.

There has to be a point in whatever a person does or else the action runs the risk of being wastage of energy.

Pallav said...

Nabil and Kunal... well said. Thanks for letting me know that i am not the only who who thinks that there must be a point to things. (Koi samjhao ise yaar...)

Unknown said...

@Nidhi: I agree, we feel a lot every second and at times we just want to share. Without conclusion or definition.

@Gaurav:One thing does lead to another. That's how things evolve.

@Kunal: There are a lot of things you have mentioned there. As for the offense bit, none taken.
I published this post cause I was confused whether, its just ok to talk about some thing without there being a conclusive end to it.. Every time you open your mouth, does it have to be only for point and conclusions???
I just wanted to find out whether I am correct in thinking so..

As for the purpose bit, I totally agree, I believe there is a purpose to most of the things.. When I was reckoning the movie to my friend, I was wanting to make him a part of my day that was, in my own way. I was trying to tell him even the tinniest bit of details as well..

@Nabil: You sum up what I could not express in so many words.
Quoting you, "Some times the whole point is aboout being point less... "
@Pallav: Life is all about experiencing.Some times we just to share the experiences. Some of them may be of extreme significance and some not.But, is it the significance that should decide whehter we want to share it with people or not?

As Nabil, said, some times the point is about being pointless..

Language was also, invneted for people to connect to each other at a more personal level. By sharing their lives and experiences.

Quoting Nidhi, "is it necessary that things have to have a point...because if it has to then we wouldn't be speaking the way we do now..we would weigh what we want to say and then if its worthy enough..let it out... " .. and then I think we would kill the whole thing about connecting..

Enigma said...

Some people dont talk to reach a conclusion, they talk because they feel like talking and they want someone to listen; not neccessarily offer advice, or solution or discuss. Just somebody who is listening to them gives them satisfaction, even though that talk may not have any sense.They are built that way.

And on the other hand, are people who always strive to reach some sort of conclusion. They talk or do things because they see reason in it. For them, a conversation should be meaningful, should lead to solutions, should have some value. Again, they are built that way.

Invariably, you will find women belonging to first category and men beloging the second. Of course crosses exist. And NO i am not a chauvinist, nor do I look down upon either of the categories.

There is nothing right or wrong in these two categories. It is nature that has built them that way.

Eva Rana said...

I believ in d fact dat evrythng has two facets...
one,dat is seen by d whole world...second,seen only wen v r alone to see the unseen,ready to discover the unuaual realms of life...
similarly "point ho ya naa ho"...its jus a phase of tym.
Lets talk like a process of communication "the message needs to be loud n clear,the RX shd decode it properly n propogate it,if need be..."

So being a mechanical human being,owaz facing tym constraints...gon r d days wen v cud park our bicycle under a guava tree and climb on topmost branch n eat the fruit wyl njoyn the breeze...

world moves at an unimaginable v just want EVERYTHING to make some sense!!!
COZ v no longer possess the ability to PROCESS!!!!

God saves us..